So so sorry

Life got so far ahead of me I'm so sorry I haven't blogged. Y'all haven't been forgotten, promise.

Ok, so I guess to catch everyone up, I started school, lost my place, failed classes, dropped out, couch surfed, found a job, lost it to anxiety 2 months later, applied for disability in July, joined new social media outlets, found out this month that I was denied, and now I'm stressing over this tooth and Christmas. because FML. Also met an amazing guy in NC (who shall be referred to as Teddy Bear) that I really wish I could be with on Tumblr. I'll link y'all on my contact page. Its easier to use on my phone. Joined Plenty of Fish and actually got some awesome new tattoos about a week and a half ago from a guy I met there, so not everything is bad. He ghosted, but I already got the tats, so whatever.

Life is ok. Lots of family court stuff, lots of doc appts for me and the girls. Mischief is fine, but Mayhem has 7 cavities that she developed in the 6 months she's been living primarily with her father. The dentist is going to cap all her little teeth. My 3 yr old is going to be placed under general anesthesia and undergo oral surgery because her father..... I found out about this a month and a half ago, and I'm still pissed. Mischief is attending classes online because we move around so much. Its really better for her this way. No commute. No missed days because I couldn't afford the gas. We'll get stable again, but for now, the internet is all we need.

Mischief turns 9 in January and wants a peacock themed party, but I don't know where to find that sorta stuff and I'm on a no income sorta budget. What to do, what to do...? hey, readers, thanks for being here. Y'all are the best.


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